- Arrange for a time to come and view the home (when no one is home)
- Make a list of required home preparation and staging that is required to make the home show its best. This includes items we will cover and some items that you will need to do prior to photos.
- Coordinate a schedule to complete
- all preparation and staging tasks (interior and exterior)
- Measuremaster to visit for floor plans
- any on-site repairs, removal of items, rubbish removal
- cleaning
- professional photos with Listings Manager
Step 4: Virtual Marketing Program
Our online virtual marketing plan is second to none in the industry and utilizes all the latest in technology to market your home to the absolute largest sample of buyers and Realtors possible in an efficient and effective manner.Even though this plan is predominantly virtual, there are still hard copy marketing pieces and marketing steps that we have kept due their effectiveness even in the new market we are working in. I will break the marketing plan into four sections. First the Hard Copy Marketing and secondly the Virtual Marketing, then Private Showings, then Backoffice Offers.
- Drone Flights
- Social Posts
- Online Advertisements
- 3D Models
- Animated ads
- Daily updates
- Print Media
- Direct Mail
Step 5: Live Stream Broadcast
This fantastic event is a highly promoted and anticipated live opening of the property to waiting buyers and Realtors. It is scheduled for a specific day and time, usually 3-4 days post launch to allow sufficient time for the word to get out. Either Marty or Adam will host this live event through Facebook. The broadcast includes an exterior tour of street front and area and an interior walk through of the property from room to room pointing out the special features and upgrades done on the property. At the same time viewers are given the opportunity to ask questions through the platform with team members standing by to answer them live. We make the live tour fun, exciting, and eventful. We have had great success with this resulting in hundreds of viewers logging in.
Step 6: Private Covid-19 Safe, No-Contact Showings & Inspections
Regardless of all the extensive online and virtual marketing provided on your home, there are still a large contingent of buyers that wish to walk through the property themselves before committing to making an offer. To satisfy this fundamental need we have researched all the Covid-19 federal and provincial guidelines and developed a Covid-safe protocol “PRG Covid-19 Showings Protocol” (see attached). This new protocol provides a safe and non-rushed private tour of your home using all the safeguards available to us today to keep the buyers and you safe.
Step 7: Offer Presentation
The DVOP is a pre-set date and time where we will link up with you live via Zoom to entertain offers. We provide any offering parties the opportunity to either email their offer to us and be available for a phone call, or to present in person in our controlled Zoom environment. As before, when we did our offer negotiations in-house at our PRG office, this virtual environment offers the same theatre to allow us to have offering parties compete against one another to yield the highest possible sale price for your home. Depending on how many offers we generate on your home, the DVOP can run from 1-3 hours long. The date and time are set and outlined in the Direction Regarding the Presentation of Offers (DRPO) form. The DRPO is given to any interested parties asking when offers are being entertained.
Step 8: SOLD
We don’t stop here, we help you every step of the way once the offer is accepted from subject removal to closing and possession, we guide you through each step in the process from sale to moving out.