As part of our ongoing effort to improve the lives of those less fortunate, we are thrilled to tell you about our recent visit to the Vienping Orphanage in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  Several weeks ago, my family I were able to make another donation to the home in our ongoing efforts to assist the children there.

This year the home needed funds to construct water towers on the roof of the school for the childrens’ domestic use. Once completed, these improvements will provide hot water helping in cleaning dishes/clothing and allowing the children to take hot showers in the colder winter months.  Even though cold in northern Thailand is not cold to us, the temperature rarely dips below 15 degrees celcius. For the Thais that is frigid!

Your ongoing support of our business allows us to continue our community and global charity efforts. So thank you for helping us do this!

Other highlights of our Thailand trip this year included jungle rides on pee-sow’s old Honda Dream with the kids.  Shopping in the markets for fresh thai fruit and vegetables, kayaking theislands in the Andaman Sea and scuba diving in southern Thailand.

While we hope you are currently enjoying your 2015 CD Calendar, Adam and I are excited to announce that we are already working on our 2016 calendar that will be our
“Travelling in Thailand Edition”.  We have some great photos to share with you all in 2016.